The Road Trip

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dixie Chicks

These photos catch you up to Thurs., Nov. 16. The first three are from the DIXIE CHICKS CONCERT!!!! Hooray for fun music and new friend, Kelly, with whom to enjoy it!

The last photo is on the steps of Meggie's house - where we stayed while she worked the night shift, joining us for breakfast in Sacremento.

I've had two moments on this trip that were moments of 'yes, this is where I am to be'; moments of intense delight (not that the rest are all drudgery by any means - these moments are when I am confronted with the gift that is this life of mine!). The first was in New Brunswick and the second was this week - driving home from the concert. I was driving Dustin's VW van from Fresno to Bass Lake with signs for Yosemite and it felt so surreal - like I was in a dream. I had to smile, because life is a dream, truly.


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