The Road Trip

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

the lower mainland so far...

This post (the last two as well!) are coming to you from Abbotsford, BC - where I met for coffee with my good friend, Curtis Pauls. This is us in the parking lot this morning - anyone else find technology as crazy as me! Well, I love that I can share these photos, and friends with you! Curtis and I have led various wilderness trips together for over 2 months, in places like the Mackenzie River, Queen Charlotte Islands and Churchill river - some of my favourite places and some of my favourite trips - in many ways due to leading with Curtis!

In the next photo is Laani Uunila, with whom we stayed last night. My friendship with Laani solidified on the Mackenzie River as well - on my first time down that river in '98! There is something about friendships forged on rivers!

Sunday nite we stayed with the Vegt's - Kristi and Dave are parents extraordinaire to their two little ones - Wesley (8 weeks oldish) and Kaelyn. I'm not kidding about how great they are with kids - I asked if Kristi would raise my children (if and when...) for the first couple of years - but she didn't seem to think this was the best idea for some reason! Do you like Dave's hair? We did too! :D These two have always opened their door wide open to me and many others - like Pauline, Curtis' wife of a few months! Kristi and Dave were the connection between those two, so it was great to (re)meet Pauline at their home! That's her with Leslie, me and Kristi! So many friends in this area eh!?! Makes for a good reason to go to UBC - now we'll see how the classes and profs are...

Love you all! Carrie


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