The Road Trip

Thursday, September 07, 2006


September 7, 2006

Well, were still in Caronport, SK... waiting for, of all things, our cell phone to arrive so we can begin this dream we've been talking about for so long now! There is much road ahead, and Rhoda(that's the name of our car, 95' Honda Accord) is itching to take us there. She hasn't felt the weight of our load yet... hope that she doesn't change her mind about the trip. ;)
The adventures are anxiously awaiting our arrival and we theirs...
We plan to make our first stop in Winnipeg, Manitoba at Steve's folks, then steadily push east for Parry Sound (for Leslie), and Ottawa (for Carrie), with a few stops along the way to stretch our legs and enjoy a few long walks/runs.
So it's bonvoyage Caronport... and here we come to the east, where, for this westerner, is a foreign prospect and much desired for exploration!

There are so many endings that need to occur to make a beginning happen. To reach forward to the beginning of this journey, many endings have been going on for months now, and endings are sad. We have both said, and continue to say, many goodbyes. I can't wait for the hellos to come!
I wish you (you being all of you - our loved friends and family) could see us today - in this little office of Steve's, trying to figure out blogs, trying to figure out how to make 2-dimensional words have 3-dimensional meaning in order that though we are not connected with you in person, we are still connected. As Leslie and I begin, please begin to share in this with us!
With love and smiles, as always, Carrie


At 5:41 PM, Blogger Joy and Augie! said...


me too......!
have fun crazy kids
i know you will probably be dieing to visit beatiful downtown Los Angeles, so if you are in the area COME ON OVER! jk

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Danny Gamache said...

Have a great trip girls!

Don't hit too many deer!


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Have a great trip! I assume you're going to stop here sometime, as I'll be picking up stuff for you at REI, Carrie. Sooo, when will that be?


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